jack daniels in home made burgers & hitchhikers

lilstevey on 2008-01-06T00:53:48

Over the last few days, mesin, n me fine missus have bin watchin the bbc 1981 hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Its been a thoroughly enjoyable series. We tried to find series two. We couldn't. It felt a bit odd that it finished in episode 6. Is that just our faulty memory and imagination playing tricks with each other?

We are trying to watch the filmy cinemary version.

deep thought.

So Very Very Wrong.

Relation ship between Arthur and Trillian.

Wrong. Why does it drag on so?

What I really really can't get over is that I thought there was more than six episodes in the tv series - were the rest in my imaginanation?

Me missus is just asking where slarty bardfast is.

Help me. Tell me they filmed series two in the eighties... please...

Oh yes. The jack daniels bit. Just tried adding it to my burgers, which generally tasted just plenty fine as I had em. Turned out they weren't any better, maybe a tad worse. Next time I'll stick to how they were.

Sorry to disappoint...

jj on 2008-01-06T10:37:48

...but there were only 6 episodes on TV.

Sounds like the film is as bad as I imagined it would be (after seeing Marvin on the trailer I've always made great efforts not to watch it!).

Re:Sorry to disappoint...

lilstevey on 2008-01-06T11:55:32


I may have to try the radio based varient in order to get my fix.

Slarty turned up in the end. I think I found the film mildly entertaining the first time I watched it, but it pales in comparison to the original.