Unhealthy Hinge fixation in low cost laptops

lilstevey on 2008-01-05T11:57:34

I like portable computers. I like the convenience of being able to take a portable machine with me.

However, I have a small issue with the design. There doesn't seem to be a great deal of creativity applied to it, and they all seem to need this breakable hinge to connect the keyboard unit to the screen part.

Why? Wouldn't it be cheaper to have a screen with a thicker base so it would self support, with a socket for a keyboard and mouse - they are mass produced low cost components anyway.

And why am I saying this - because I had a hinge break on one of my laptops, and also because I view the complexity as a cost - the hinge may only be a small component, but when you add some of the other mechanical parts (keyboard and pointer for example ) there starts to be a lot of moving parts, which in my simple rule book means more bits to go wrong and hence more things to test.

And the simple all in one box form should lend its self to a kit form, potential reducing construction cost, increasing the ability to customise and making it simpler to fix things that go wrong.

There are downsides - the traditional laptop is quite portable - however I feel that a lot of Portability issues are easily met using the age old device called "A Bag".