Ob wikipedia link:
It might just be me becoming more and more of a grumpy ole get, but I got it lodged in my head that a lot of the ""problems" of this Country" can be put down to a cargo cult mentality.
Rather than list them all and turn this into a kind of rant, i'll just hightlight one, Cargo Cult Management. If I were being generous, I would say it could be due to a consequence of British culture, in that there can be a tendancy to promote to management to reward success, as if greatness in one role naturally implies greatness in another, and failing to recognise that in expert in a field deserves respect and reward.
Once promoted to the management role, there is a problem. Often there can be a stigma of suggesting that training is appropriatte, as leadership is often seen as a natural attribute rather than as a skill that can be developed. Admitting the need for help becomes perceived as an admission of failure.
And the scene is set. Fueled with the dangerous cocktail of self importance and ego over the promotion, coupled with doubt over their own ability, a talented individual is turned into a monster: having responsibility and power without the skill or understanding to weld it properly, cursed to imitate others and attempt to cover up their own failures for fear of becoming discovered.