I have been meaning to revisit my new years resolutions for a while now, and to review my progress, or lack of it. Now is as good a time as any so I might as well take a couple of minutes to review the promises I made to myself, whilst I've still got some time left this year to take action to achieve my percieved goals.
This year, I decided to do the following:
- Spend an hour a week on the guitar
- Do more on less
- Sort out finances
- Study french
Well, first candidate for failure is the guitar. I think I may have managed half an hour one week, but other than that I have been appalling. I've thought about signing up for lessons but really haven't done a great deal to find out more. So I reckon I score a great big 0 for this one.
Next up is the relativly cryptic "do more on less", with which I have been at least partially successfull, having aiming to do considerably less, and on a couple of ( personal ) projects I have made some significant gains. Unfortunately these projects have been reactionary to events as opposed to fullfilling long term aims. The Birmingham Job film has been completed to a degree, which is also a step in the right direction. All in all, I wouldn't consider that I've succeeded, but couldn't file this as a failure either. I'll give it a 50% rating.
Money matters next, with sorting out finances. No lottery win unfortunately, and the premium bonds haven't delivered anything sizable, but despite those two set backs I haven't done at all bad - having stuck to a savings plan for a few months, I may well be on the verge of entering a state of financial responsibility. I reckon I am about 80% of the way there.
To finish with, french. No lessons yet, but I have been to france twice. If I can get on french lessons at my local adult ed centre then I reckon I can conisider this a success, otherwise it'll be a failure. I'll give myself 10%, and should I sign up and make the lessons then that could be this resolution met.
All in all, that's 0 + 50 + 80 + 10 / 4 = 35%ish towards my goals for this year. I'll see what the next few months bring.