Creating ClassDBI packages

lilstevey on 2003-12-08T12:38:10

Made some progress on configuring linux box of late - Manged to get Apache 2.0 reverse proxying on one binary using DSOs. Tempted to compile two binaries so I can have seperate PID files to make stopping and restarting the servers easier, or prefereably modifying apachectl to create two different versions.

I've come across a slight problem installing ssl into Apache, which I've decided to postpone so I can get working on my standard setup. When I do return to it though, I'd like to get the secure apache server set up as a proxy also, so that it handles the de-encryption of the ssl and just fowards the request to the application server.

Module wise, so far I've decided on:

  • Template Toolkit
  • Class::DBI
  • LibXML
  • LibXSLT
I'll probably add XML::Simple as well, as i like using it for configeration files. Another couple of modules I will need will be for time and mail handling, and probably CGI::Untaint or similar also.

The next part of this project involves generating a fair few objects and data tables, and what I want to do is generate perl code,template fragments, and sql definitions from xml. In the past I've used a few home brewed projects for this, but seeing as I'm not working to any deadlines I can afford to do this properly, so now I need to firstly see if there is one on cpan already ( its a common technique, so I would hope so ), or write one. I was contemplating this last night, and it struck me that perl/tk would combine to make theoritically quite a nice tool for building this kind of thing. If the xml description was open enough, then different XSL stylesheets could be used to generate code for just about any language, which would be sweet. Needless to say, I'll be spending a bit of time over the next few days trying to find some existing project.

Other than that, I noticed something which may be of interest to those who build XML::LibXML - it seems to depend on a libxml2 c library thats been built with zlib.