Ponderance Pondering

lemming on 2003-11-07T00:41:49

Just doing some thinking aloud

Well, I wasn't first choice for the job since they hired someone else. darnit. Not surprising based on how little programming I've done since 2000. Then most of the programing I did after 1995 has been maintaince style. sigh. Still a chance that I'll get hired since they were looking for more than one person and they haven't called back with the bad news. Think I need to ping them to maybe get me back in their thinking, or at least get some closure.

It wouldn't be so bad, but my current contract is boring me to tears.

On other fronts, the cat shelter is holding its Holiday Bazaar November 16. I still need to:

  1. Post the pictures of some of the "wares" at HoD Events
  2. Cross post in relevant areas. ie: not "use perl"
  3. Run about town picking up donations

I've got what seems like 20 different home improvement projects that need to be finished up.