Kitten Delivery

lemming on 2003-10-21T00:15:05

The kitten was delivered to Arcata California in good shape.

The kitten started off life in Seattle, but the people there couldn't care for her. She's got Cerebellar Hypoplasia. The people in Seattle got in touch with people in Arcata via the CIH kitty club, but didn't have the means to get her down there. They would be able to get Lily to Portland. Heather, the woman who was to recieve Lily, found our shelter's number and to make a long story short, another volunteer and I drove to Arcata Saturday.

Lily was a total doll and slept most of the drive occasionly in Kelley's lap. When we arrived in Arcata at midnight, Lily raced around the house if in a non-linear fashion. The other cats were not thrilled, but that's pretty typical. We also met Honey who is their other CIH cat. That night I slept with Lily curled up in the crook of my arm. One of the other cats, Leroy, slept on Kelley.

The next day was a leisurely drive back to Portland.
We stopped in Grant's Pass and found out about Holy Grail Ale which while funny, is tasty as well. We also went to Trees of Mystery and a scary religious restuarant called Noah's Ark. (Nice people, but woo!)

All in all, it was a fun drive for a good cause. Plus, I got to learn more about a good friend and that Kelley makes good road trip companionship.
That and I feel blessed that my wife has no problem with me taking two trips out of town in a row with other women. Trust is very cool.


chromatic on 2003-10-21T03:24:33

You're married and you know single women? Do you ever feel guilty for using up more than your fair share of female attention?


lemming on 2003-10-21T20:05:09

Some of it comes from being involved with a cat shelter. When I started there, there were two males and ~30 women. It's changed a bit in the last three years, but the ratio is still high.

And both women are involved with someone, so I'm not sure if they completely qualify as single.

So nope. No guilt what so ever.


Kake on 2003-10-24T02:16:07

It's utterly crazy that your wife not being jealous over that is noteworthy. Lucky you for being married to a sane person :)