Allright already

lemming on 2003-10-15T23:00:33

I guess it's time to start using this thing. I'm a bit nervous today since I'm going to be doing a lightning talk at the local Perl Mongers meeting. Well, unless I chicken out. :)

So many projects for me to organize and actually work on. The Cat Shelter Site that I put together needs to move soon. I've got a host, etc... lined up. I just need to go through and move it.

I need to look for a better job. I don't mind what I'm doing right now, but it's wasting a lot of my talent. And I'm not growing and I hate being stagnate. Sent out my first resume in months. Hopefully having someone on the inside will get it looked at.

'bout time!

Ovid on 2003-10-15T23:46:50

Welcome aboard. 'bout time you made it, Mark :)

Re:'bout time!

lemming on 2003-10-16T20:46:30

Well, I've been lurking for a long time.
And I didn't do a lightning talk. Wasn't much to add and we were a half hour past the end time, so it was easy for me to justify bailing.
Good talks by the rest.

Now I need to get going with making a bit better. Just moved the domain from under onsitetech which was hosting it for free to under my wife's account over at


hex on 2003-10-16T22:10:02

The volunteers worked tirelessly; seven days a week, cleaning, painting, feeding and loving the cats....

What colors do you paint them?

Seriously though... cat shelter, kudos.


lemming on 2003-10-16T22:45:14

I prefer the color green, but some of the other volunteers prefer red & purple.

Of course when cleaning the cats, one's tongue get's tired.

Hmm, about time I had one of the content people revise the text.