More new versions

lachoy on 2002-08-29T12:42:20

Merlyn pointed out, again, that the version numbering for modules in SPOPS were retrograding with version increases. The problem was that I used a crappy CVS Revision formatter which treated '2.7' as '2.70' rather than '2.07'. Thanks to the CPAN testers, I also found that one of my tests failed on 5.8 because I was (one step removed) relying on hash key order. So 0.67 and 0.68 went out in short order, just after releasing 0.66 earlier this week. Doh!

For those playing at home

merlyn on 2002-08-29T13:45:14

Take heed of this line from perldoc perlmod:
$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 2.21 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all one line, for MakeMaker
You still gotta roll a major revision at least once each 100 minor revisions though. {grin}

Re:For those playing at home

Dom2 on 2002-08-29T14:12:01

Bleargh. I like to keep the VERSION numbers to myself, and specify the module version number as a whole entity in the Makefile.PL.


Re:For those playing at home

merlyn on 2002-08-29T17:56:19

If you don't mind a lot of manual work where automation can help, go right ahead.

Me, I've got better things to do with my time.

Re:For those playing at home

Dom2 on 2002-08-29T22:41:41

It's not so much that, it's the idea that CVS/RCS revision id's aren't necessarily the best things to use as the version for your module (perhaps distribution would be a better term than module) as a whole anyway. I'd rather bump the version number when I want to, not when I correct a typo in the POD.

I've got a full on woody for automation everywhere else. :-)
