I feel... dirty saying it, but I've actually kept two spams from recent weeks. One is shocking in its audaciousness, the other is just bizarre.
The first came a few weeks ago about a "GUARANTEED WAY TO QUICKLY HAVE EXCELLENT CREDIT!!". Apparently the only way to do this is to create a ficticious identity, which these folks will do for you for $29.95. But before you scoff, just wait. They'll also assist you in adding unlimited positive information to your credit report!
The second came today and has a subject line: "Time Travelers PLEASE HELP!!!!" It goes on to ask for help if you "are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the technology to travel physically through time." Fortunately the author isn't a cheapskate: "If you can help me I will pay for your teleport or trip down here, Along with hotel stay, food and all expenses." Nice!
the one I received recently for a "Concrete Vibrator". Really. It really was for a concrete vibrator...well, jackhammer...you know.
Today I received three pieces of spam for anti-spam software... there should be a Museum of Spam where the weirdest, or most "offensive", or most efficient (ie the ones that actually make you look inside before hitting that delete key), etc would be kept for posterity.