I am still alive

kudra on 2008-06-26T02:34:16

About a year ago, burned out from programming, I decided to go to grad school for an MBA. One very busy year into the programme, I decided it wasn't for me and dropped out. Right now I'm enjoying the weather, reading a lot, and trying to write some articles with one of the teachers at the school. In the autumn, I'm going to start a new master's programme (MSc in International Business with a focus on tech). After that I'll either look for work or pursue a PhD. I hope that the burnout will wear off soon, and I'll at least start pursuing personal coding projects. I'm going to try to stay off IRC though; it's time-consuming crack.


larsen on 2008-06-26T08:52:00

Nice to read you again :)

Welcome back!

Aristotle on 2008-06-26T21:13:20
