Too busy for summaries at the moment

kudra on 2007-02-23T16:19:13

As has probably been observed by the fact that I'm 4 weeks (with today's posting down to 3 weeks, but soon to reach 4 weeks again) behind on Perl 6 summaries, I've been rather busy lately. The summaries have sort of fallen to the end of a long list of things I'm working on.

It started with an unexpected trip I had to make to Seattle at the end of January. Then I was sick for a week, and I recently got back from a vacation to Iceland.

Current and recent projects include:

Also I have some large personal questions facing me, such as whether I should attend graduate school in the autumn or not.

I expect all this to keep me busy until mid-March at least, and then it'll be time to do my taxes. This probably means that I'll be pretty unavailable until April at least. Maybe I'll see some of you at the hackathon--you can still register until Thursday.