European Hackathon News

kudra on 2007-02-07T21:20:52

European Hackathon News, volume 1

This is a reminder that the deadline for accommodations for the hackathon is fast approaching. If you want a room reservation, you must register for the hackathon and either pay online or contact Ann about paying later. The deadline is Friday, 9 February. For more information about the rooms, please refer to:

If you prefer to make alternate arrangements for your accommodation, but wish to attend the hackathon, you still need to register before Thursday, 22 February. There is no cost for this registration. If you have special requests, such as vegetarian food, please contact Ann at the time of registration.

To register, you first need to log in by either using an existing Act profile or creating a new user. Registration will be limited to the first 30 people.

Since the initial announcement, two additional projects have joined the Parrot/Perl 6 track (hosted by Allison Randal and Jonathan Worthington):

  • Mark Overmeer will host a track on CPAN6.
  • Philippe Bruhat will coordinate Act development. This is an excellent opportunity to address any complaints you may have with the hackathon registration system ;)

Ann Barcomb, kudra -at-
Use the subject 'hackathon' and resend if you do not get a response within 48 hours.