European Perl Hackathon

kudra on 2007-01-31T18:46:58

You are invited to attend the European Perl Hackathon in Arnhem, the Netherlands, from 2 - 4 March, 2007. Familiarity with the featured projects is not required; you need only bring a laptop and a willingness to join in.

Although there is no fee to attend the hackathon, you are required to pay for your own accommodation and transportation. However, it is possible to book a room at the venue location when you register for the hackathon, at the price of € 74 for two nights plus breakfast.

Space is limited to 30 participants, and registration is required. Reservations for accommodations made through the hackathon must be made by 9 February; reservations for the event itself must be made no later than 22 February.

For more information about the event, please refer to