So, I get up this morning and find that my ssh connection to my gateway box has died, and won't come back. I can still get out to the 'net, though... I ssh in with the internal IP, and ifconfig tells me that the cable company has changed my DHCP lease. But for some strange reason, all of my outbound traffic still sources from the old IP! Inbound only works to the new one, though. Very strange. Then, all of a sudden, after I tried to get to my cable modem's configuration page, it just all dies. So I go through several permutations of reboots of the cable modem and gateway box, all of which amount to nothing - I can't get a real, functional DHCP lease any more. Doh! So is down right now, though I pointed it to a placeholder elsewhere for the time being, hopefully I'll be able to get this sorted out when I get home.
I should have known that calling the cable company to get my service upgraded would manage to get them nice and confused so they could break it. *grumble*