Time to get something done

koschei on 2001-04-23T07:28:17

Well, I've successfully spent the first week of my Easter teaching break doing nothing that was in the slightest way not otiose.

So here's week two. My gf's gone to Sydney for a week. I've got the AFL tipping page out of the way (mostly). I just have some assignments to do and then all shall be well.

Went on a book buying spree on Saturday. Well, a bit of a minor spree all in all, but a spree nonetheless.

  • The Book on the Bookshelf, Henry Petroski;
  • The Word Museum, Jeffrey Kacirk;
  • The Wasp Factory, Iain Banks;
  • Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Guy Ritchie (the screenplay);
  • Snatch, Guy Ritchie (screenplay again)

Quite a successful trip given the value of the dollar.

So I'm merrily reading the other books I have first and will eventually work my way to these new ones.

Perl-wise, I did the aforementioned page using HTML::Embperl (and also HTML::EmbperlObject). They work rather well, really. The page designer (Bruce) could happily work in Dreamweaver to design the pages, and I could happily work in vim to write the dynamic content.

As it stands, a set of scripts happily fetch results from the AFL site, turns them into XML, throws them into a MySQL database which the pages then query to form the pages. All the users need to do is enter their tips every week and all the admin has to do is ... erm ... nothing at all. Not strictly true, the admin sometimes enters tips manually for those without computer access, but generally they do nothing.

Rather nice really. A good result for my first foray into Embperl. So: cheers Richter!

I'm now just fiddling with the admin pages, cookies and so on. The cookies are behaving oddly, but I'm probably doing them oddly (written an Apache::Session::Cookie module that uses Apache::Session::MySQL) but we'll see how it turns out after a bit more fiddling. I may end up just having the cookie data itself in the cookie rather than a session id.

In the mean time, I have to go to a Quality Management meeting now to discuss some 3820 SRS documents.