Well, still unemployed. Lack of money is becoming somewhat more and more important. Parents are currently helping with the rent, but I can't really expect that for too long. If anyone needs an extra employee - just ask =) I work for apparently quite reasonable rates (I'm in Aus and the US dollar and UK pound are quite favourably converted [at least for the employer, not me]).
In other news, I've released Time::TAI64 - an implementation of libtai in a mix of XS and Perl (depending on the vagaries of the functions in question). It's not finished yet, but I'll be working at it somewhat regularly over the next few days or however long it takes.
I was quite surprised to open my email up and see a mail from MattS regarding the module. It's the first email I've received to do with any of my modules on CPAN =) Well, apart from some weird mail I received from someone asking about updating DNS servers from Perl (presumably because I came up in a search courtesy my recent DNS::Singleton - one of the world's most useless modules unless you're the kind of person who needs lots of cached DNS queries between program runs [i.e. me with my log analysis stuff] - and I probably should have named it Net::DNS::Singleton anyway).
In actual fact, my log analysis is providing a few useful modules. Net::Services, DNS::Singleton, Time::TAI64 and I might be extending the Parse::Syslog family at some point with parsers that understand more about the content of their lines. There'll also be a module or two to join discontiguous log file entries (it's quite useful to be able to follow a session rather than just noting events).
At home, I've rearranged the spare room. It's not really a spare room - it's quite essential. It's got the computers and the books. Computers: iMac, Celeron 600 and an Acorn RiscPC. Books: about 400, at the very least. There are my books and Kat's books. Neither are catalogued in any form, let alone sorted. It'll be a task for when we have enough money to get some book cases and have the books doing more than sitting in piles, or being in boxes providing height to the computers (I was quite impressed when I managed to get the two monitors on the PC precisely level with each other despite them sitting on top of differently heighted computers and boxes).
I also need to get around to having a shared internet connection between the machines. At the very least the PC and the Mac. The Mac has the modem, all machines have network cards, cables and there's a hub. I know how to do it were the PC the master, but it's not: the Mac is.
Maybe I'll write something in MacPerl to do it. Following pudge's advice, I now have MacPerl and MPW installed (yes, the shiny new 5.6.1 of MacPerl) and should be able to write something, just as soon as I work out how to use MPW =)
And there's the housewarming on Saturday. I need to arrange music (make selections from a 5000+ entry list of mp3s and get them burned as audio) and find some money with which to buy extra tumblers.
And Matt's already replied to my email, but I'll have to leave it until later today before I reply. I'm tired =) (It's 3.45am.)
Anyway: to bed, and in the morrow I shall finish rearranging this room (so the books are a bit neater, and some of the boxes are out of the way) and go to uni for my exciting lecture of the day (today's exciting lecture was "Introduction to HTML" - for a 3rd year unit, one really has to worry. It is, thankfully, the only HTML tutoring lecture in the unit [and, no, I'm not a 3rd year; I'm a 5th year who has been fairly slack over the past few years]. Due to the excitement of the class, I left and learnt XS so that I could write 1.1 of Time::TAI64).
Um. Yes. Bed!