Quick update

koschei on 2002-02-03T13:50:42

Ok. I now have a place in which to live with my gf. Soon, I hope to have a job with which to pay the rent =)

And I've uploaded WWW::Page::(Host|Author|Modified) 1.2.

Naturally, seconds after uploading one of them I found that two test files weren't in the MANIFEST, and thus not in the tar.gz. That's another feature that will have to go into my makemaker program.

makemaker is a cute program that goes through the modules, scripts and tests and writes appropriate Makefile.PL, README, t/doc.t and t/info.t files. Makes copious use of Module::Info. t/doc.t is good even if it only calls POD::Coverage, and t/info.t can be interesting if one makes a non-obvious syntax error.

README is, naturally, just a Pod::Text of the module file.

The important thing is that it automates a lot of the boring parts of writing a module.

Next, I give it a partner program, or an option, that goes and creates the appropriate directories and a stub module. Like that script somebody or other posted a while back.


hfb on 2002-02-03T16:31:32

I've heard MakeMaker called many, many things and 'cute' was not one of them...not even in the same sentence :)


chromatic on 2002-02-03T19:29:33

I think it's a separate program. ExtUtils::MakeMaker is by no means cute. :)


hfb on 2002-02-03T20:17:00

yes, yes, I realise that...I was just taking advantage of the ambiguity. :)


koschei on 2002-02-03T22:49:25


The program was going to be called makemakemaker but maybe I should have settled for make3r?

The real MM is semi-cute. Cute in that big scary way.