Collective Hacking Projects: Let's Hear about Them!

kid51 on 2006-10-13T00:39:33

In case you didn't see this Perlmonks meditation...

About two years ago this time I helped organize a Perl Seminar NY contingent of the Phalanx project. When I pitched the project to our members, I emphasized the joys of collective hacking. And it proved very enjoyable indeed (and profitable for the bar where we met to do this hacking!)

We didn't do as much collective hacking in the 2005-06 season, but with our 2006-07 Perl Seminar NY season about to begin, I'd like to rev up some interest among our members.

I know of some of the collective hacking projects going on in the Perl community right now, and I'll be participating in the Chicago Perl hackathon next month. But just in case I've missed any, I'd like to ask you to respond to this Meditation by posting ongoing projects (e.g., Vanilla Perl, Module::Build) and their weblinks.

And, for extra credit, if you think that any of these projects could be broken up into components suitable for face-to-face hacking by local Perlmonger groups, please so indicate.

I like online projects, but I don't like to hack or drink alone.

Thanks in advance.

Jim Keenan

Vanilla? Strange choice...

Alias on 2006-10-14T09:20:54

I'd be happy to hear that Vanilla is considered a group hacking thing, but it really isn't.

The reason that having David and I and others all at one place at YAPC::NA was not so much to hack together but to help move forwards dissussion and decision making.

We were both pretty much still hacking seperately at seperate times. For example, I did almost nothing at YAPC. Not on Vanilla anyway :)