Packaging Perl modules for Ubuntu

kappa on 2009-10-09T08:26:31

There were a series of packaging tutorials on Ubuntu IRC in July and the most interesting for me was the Packaging Perl Modules session.

I'm a long FreeBSD user (I started with 2.2.7 on my home Pentium 166MMX box in 1998) and only recently switched to Ubuntu Linux on my desktop and laptop. The apt system of packages inherited from Debian seemed too complex for me especially in comparison with the beautiful and simple FreeBSD Ports collection.

I submitted a lot of perl ports to FreeBSD and it was high time for me to try to package something for my new desktop. So this session came handy. I was not able to attend it personally but the IRC log was made available by the good Ubuntu folks almost instantly.

It's an interesting read. The system is really very complex compared to the Ports but there are a lot of utilities helping achieve common tasks. It almost looks like git compared to cvs (and I loved cvs too!)

This is the link once again: