kane on 2004-12-03T17:03:48

After a prolonged period of merely bugfixes, this day marks the release of a new feature release (and ground up rewrite) of CPANPLUS: 0.050_01

This feature release prepares us for the next line of plugins in CPANPLUS, which should greatly improve the quality of code and use of CPAN and CPAN modules.

Some of the features include: * Native Module::Build support * Native testers.cpan.org query/report * Native signature verification support * Multiple frontend shells * Scriptable shells * Improved configuration options * Improved Programmable API * Plugins to package managers * Support for a remote CPANPLUS::Daemon * and many more...

You can view the readme here: http://codebase1.xs4all.nl/user/kane/CPANPLUS-0.050_01.README

And obtain the source from: http://codebase1.xs4all.nl/user/kane/CPANPLUS-0.050_01.tar.gz or soon on a CPAN near you...

This beta release has already had extensive testing from a dedicated group of people on #perl-qa and #p5p, but the time has now come to offer this beta to the wider public, before declaring it 'stable' and uploading it as such to the CPAN. Therefor I invite all of you who have an interest in CPAN modules, to try this release out and report your findings back to us, whether they be feature requests, or bug reports;

Feature requests: cpanplus-info@lists.sourceforge.net Bug reports: cpanplus-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net

I have to again thank all the people who've so vigorously and selflessly spent great amounts of energy on making this new release possible; I think you know who you are :)