Installation woes are over (?)

kaare on 2007-10-04T07:52:32

My kids have been using my brand new computer for games. My Goodness! I didn't know that there are so many high quality games for Linux!

Meanwhile I've used my plain old laptop for work. There are a lot of reasons for that, one of which is that I haven't had the time to set up the necessary environment, including the main Perl packages.

Yesterday I wanted to fix this problem, starting on an almost 'naked' box with only OpenSuse's Perl installation. I always prefer CPAN over distributor's packages if there's no special reason against, so I started up perl -MCPAN -e shell and installed

SVK Catalyst DBD::Pg DBIx::Class

remembering previous dependency nightmares and missing Linux libraries. SVK complained about a missing SVN::Core, but I know this, so I anstalled Perl binding with YaST. After that, no problem at all. SVK's tests were time consuming, even on an AMD 64 6000 with two cores. But in it went.

And amazingly, so did Catalyst and DBIx::Class. People there must have used a lot of time since my last 'clean' install getting things straightened up.

I'm impressed.

Cleaning up Cat and such

Alias on 2007-10-04T12:17:35

Yes, you have no idea how much time and effort Matt Trout and his cohorts have put into making the Cat/DBIxC installation clean and cross-platform.