Previously I wrote about not having any friends, fans, foes or freaks (try saying that three times fast). As I looked around I noticed that most people have friends and fans, but *nobody* had any foes or freaks. What a warm, fuzzy, perlish kind of feeling...ahhhh...Wait a minute! What gives? I mean what would somebody have to *do* around here to have a Foe?! Besides, I didn't realize we were allowed to ridicule people. I bet if Steve Ballmer was around here there'd be some Foes.
Now I know this may be a childish re-hash for some, but as long as I am pouting about not going to the Mac OS X Conference, I may as well do something infantile. Besides, I hadn't seen this in a while, and it *is* 'snort your Kool-aid thru your nostrils' kind of funny. Unfortunately it is kind of a large file for the broadband impaired (3mb) but worth a modem workout.
Oh, and, may want to ask small children and the squeamish to leave the room before viewing this.
dancemonkeyboy (3mb)
And what does this have to do with Perl?
Absolutely nothing. (Thank God.) Could you imagine Larry...never mind.
Well *that* ought to generate some foe-dom. Hmmm...but if I don't have any friends or fans to read my journal...this is vicious.