Search for Twirc

jsut on 2009-04-11T17:25:06

I have only recently got onto twitter. I quickly discovered Twirc, which is an IRC interface for twitter. I'm already running an IRC client all the time anyway, so the idea of using my irc client to access twitter was pretty appealing to me.

One of the things that I wanted that it didn't have was a way to get it to do recurring searches for me, and post new tweets as they showed up through the API. Net::Twitter already has this functionality, it just wasn't integrated into Twirc. I filed a bug/feature request in RT, which was quickly responded to by Mark Mims (semifor) the maintainer of Twirc with some helpful ideas.

Twirc is on github, and has advanced somewhat from the version that's on CPAN. I created a github account, and forked twirc (i'm not all that fond of the terminology, but that's what they use) pulled and started hacking on a plugin to do recurring searches.

I now have a basic functionality implemented, and I've been running it for a couple of hours and it hasn't blown up. If you want to check it out, it's on in the search branch of my fork on github. You can check it out and run it from the git repo.