Version 0.02 has been uploaded. It fixes a few things, such as a bug that worked on older versions of Moose. Apparently, a new Moose was released between the time I started development and when I released 0.01. Hopefully I've not had that happen again.
I've added beginning support for FastCGI. It passes tests using lighttpd as the translator from HTTP to FastCGI. I don't have process monitoring though, so I don't recommend it for production environments. For that matter, I wouldn't recommend any of RDF::Server for production yet.
I've added an RDF semantic. The semantic manages the configuration of how URIs are handled once the interface role has taken its stab at translating the HTTP request into something the semantic backend can work with. With the RDF semantic, the whole RDF model is a document. The semantic doesn't try to impose any subdivision on the model like the Atom semantic does.
Feed support is in development. Feeds shouldn't work yet. I'm probably going to bring SPARQL/RDQL into play along with feeds.
I added an rdf-server script that will take a configuration file and run the resulting service. No need to create Perl modules that bring together the appropriate roles. Some example configuration scripts are included in the distribution.
Enough code is there now that I can start working on the layers above/around it to do what I want to do, so I'll probably start focusing more on documentation. A lot of the detail isn't there that needs to be for someone coming to the distribution fresh.
I apologize for the Moose issues, I take backwards compat very seriously and the decision to break it here was not made lightly. The change was to make the handling of the Perl 'undef' and an undefined object slot more consistent in Moose, and I think the current implementation does that correctly now. In hindsight I probably should have publicized the issue better.
- Stevan
Re: Moose bugs
jsmith on 2008-03-11T18:17:08
Not a problem. I wasn't trying to slam Moose -- just my lack of thorough testing (which seems to still be lacking in a few spots based on the cpantesters results for 0.02 -- I'll be releasing 0.03 soon in hopes of fixing some of those).
I hadn't read about the 'clear_' accessor, so I was setting an attribute to undef in an attempt to mark it as not set. That wasn't really following the rules, so I wasn't too surprised when I found out that was what broke.