I had to use the debugger today and it struck me how convenient this was with the latest PerlySense.
The Perl part of Emacs' Grand Unified Debugger (gud) is brilliant. Not as brilliant as the gdb integration I understand, but still very, very good.
The only downsides are similar to how Flymake for Perl works out of the box (which dir to run from, a proper @INC, etc). That, and the way the command line is determined is somewhat clunky.
In the latest version of PerlySense most of these issues are fixed and the launch of perldb is streamlined. Hit C-o r d for Run File in Debugger to get a default command line suitable for the type of file you're editing.
See PerlySense: Debugging Code for more details.
Note: if you're upgrading, you need to regenerate your
.PerlySense/project.ymlfile so it contains debugger config, like this:
debug_file: - command: "perl -d ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\"" moniker: Test rex: \.t$ debug_from: source_root_directory
The easiest way to upgrade your config file is:
perly_sense create_project
This will back up your old config file and create a new one (merge any changes into the new config file manually).
If you're upgrading, you might also want to check out the Changes file for recently added features (especially the note for 0.0174).