When dumping deeply nested data structures (like DBIC objects) and the indentation level wraps around the width of the shell yet another time, it's time to start doing this first:
local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 3;
In the debugger, using "x" to dump, it's:
x [maxdepth] expr
This can also be set with the dumpDepth option so you don't have to care about it all the time:
o dumpDepth=3
In the debugger, using the excellent "r" to continue until return of sub, it also insists on dumping the return value (which you rarely care about, you just want to get out of the damn sub), unset the PrintRet option first.
o PrintRet=0
Put these in the
.perldb init file in
./ or
~/ to make it permanent.
No more eternal scrolling sessions.
* relief *