YAPC booking

jplindstrom on 2005-07-15T09:24:50


Finally booked at YAPC::Europe, with travel arrangements and hotel (we ended up at Caranda) and all done. All except the train ride from Lisboa to Braga, which I'm unsure whether I should book in advance or not. Cog?

The lack of timely flights to Porto made us go to Lisboa instead, but we can take the flight back on Saturday from Porto to Copenhagen. Overall the travel plan was a bit tricky to get together, but the YAPC wiki was very helpful.

This is the first year I'm going with two coworkers, which should be a lot of fun. I'm the designated tour guide.

Here I am :-)

cog on 2005-07-15T09:32:10

train ride from Lisboa to Braga, which I'm unsure whether I should book in advance or not. Cog?

For regular trains, you don't have to book, but, in this case, you probably don't want a regular train (stops every place and would take a *long* time to get there).

Stay tuned, more information is likely to show up on this page as soon as I get the time to go to the train station :-)