UNIX / in Strawberry %INC

jozef on 2010-06-19T14:29:51

That was a surprise for me to see / in MSWin32 paths. Dump of %INC:

$VAR1 = {
         'bytes.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/bytes.pm',
         'XSLoader.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/XSLoader.pm',
         'Carp.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/Carp.pm',
         'warnings/register.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/warnings/register.pm',
         'File/Spec/Unix.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/File/Spec/Unix.pm',
         'Exporter.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/Exporter.pm',
         'vars.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/vars.pm',
         'strict.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/strict.pm',
         'warnings.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/warnings.pm',
         'File/Spec.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/File/Spec.pm',
         'overload.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/overload.pm',
         'base.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/base.pm',
         'File/Spec/Win32.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/File/Spec/Win32.pm',
         'Data/Dumper.pm' => 'C:/strawberry/perl/lib/Data/Dumper.pm',
         'App/whichpm.pm' => 'lib/App/whichpm.pm'


slanning on 2010-06-20T13:15:50

There is

perl -Mstrict -e "print $INC{'strict.pm'}"


perl -e "($f)=split/;/,$ENV{PATH};print $f"


Aristotle on 2010-06-20T14:05:46

The values in %INC always follow Unix conventions, regardless of which platform you’re on.

(I cannot find this documented anywhere in the POD that ships with perl.)


Aristotle on 2010-06-20T19:00:45

Actually it’s only the key that’s always in Unix convention. The value will be some ill-descript Unixish mishmash on non-Unix platforms: usually, the @INC entry under which the file was found, verbatim, plus the same string as the key, joined with a slash regardless of OS – but not always, especially on VMS – and never on Symbian.

Uhm, I hope this helps.


slanning on 2010-06-21T06:27:57

I only found a reference to it in perlfaq5. It points out there that DOS does handle forward slashes in place of backslashes (though you have to put quotes around the file name, or it thinks the slash is an option).

C:\Users\slanning>more > foo.txt
hi there

C:\Users\slanning>perl -e "open(F, 'c:/Users/slanning/foo.txt') || die$!; while(<F>){print}"
hi there

C:\Users\slanning>perl -e "open(F, 'c:\Users\slanning\foo.txt') || die $!; while(<F>){print}"
hi there