Once uppon a time there was a sysadmin

jozef on 2009-12-15T20:18:21

Once upon a time I was a young system administrator. Having all the strange looking /usr, /var, /etc, ... all round me was scary and I was not sure what to "do" with all those folder trees. At some point I started to compile the extra programs that I needed. With a default prefix all ended up in /usr/local which looked safe to me. I knew that my stuff is there and the mysterious system stuff is everywhere else.

Well it worked. Having to maintain some more servers later I started to do some packaging. I was using Slackware at that time and the Slackware packaging system was really simple - just a tarball that got extracted to the root of the file system with some scripts that got executed during the package installation time. Simple and worked for me. Still I kept the stuff in /usr/local to be on the safe side.

And the time passed :-) and I'm using Debian now, but most important change is that I've lost all my respect to the file system and I've learned where and why to put files. Why to use /etc for configs, /var/log for logfiles, /var/lib for state files, /var/cache for cache files, /usr/share for templates or static data files, etc.? Simple because it is standard. Because it is standard, standard compliant distribution will stick to it. Besides being standard there are some really good reasons too. Helper tools will understand the files and then act based on the files category. Automatically rotating logs, backup-ing the important (non static distribution) files, cleaning up the temporary files etc. Well and there are also humans out there. Co-admins or newcomers, that will login to the machine and look for files or trouble shoot the programs. Knowing where to look for stuff really helps!

With today advance of virtualization techniques there is no reason to mix too many things (projects) on one server. So there is no reason to play safe with the paths and files should be put to the right place where they belong - FHS.

(to be continued with Perl part of the story...)