now back to work (again?)

jozef on 2009-10-15T06:09:38

It has a long time agon since I've posted here. Until YAPC::EU (for 3+ months) I'he tried to keep up with one post per week even it was not easy. The Iron Man competition (challenge?) has a good intention to make a lot of noise, but this can also slip to become an low-quality noise. On the other hand, not every post has to be crowded with information. Does it? After all it's just a blog. Or? Still it takes time and it is suppose to take time every week. Hopefully it's a good investment (payback?) to Perl community.

Another, or different kin, Iron Man issue is that it aims for English blog posts. Yes I know that there are also Russian, Japanese blogs, but those are minor and look strange, in the middle of the English flood. Still blogging (or doing noise) in local language can be much more useful for the purpose or bringing (enlightening) to Perl new people than writing in English where the information flow is plentiful. The same reasoning as for translating perlpod.

Jet another reason was that I was busy doing different things than blogging. Actually working :-) besides the day job, I did an experiment to bring FHS to Perl which is not ready to blog about. Or should we blog also about things that are a total drift to unknown? Than when it turns out to be "no so great" (read stupid), the internet will never forget... I've also managed to install a MT4 on my server (which was not without a, still unresolved, issue) and created not one but two blogs! One for things that are not sane and one for more serious stuff. The main reason, among others, for not using is that there is no way to post entries with images. Still I'll post my Perl blog entries here, but I'll post different not-just-Perl related there. After all this blog is registered to the Iron Man competition not those. :-)

Non-English posts are fine!

oylenshpeegul on 2009-10-15T10:44:52

Actually, over here we were just talking about how much fun they are!

Automated translation removes barriers

cowens on 2009-10-15T19:42:22

The non-English posts look like English posts to me. I use Google Reader and have it setup to use Google Translate on any post that is not already in English. This has led to some interesting surprises for me after reading a post, going to comment on them, and finding the article (and worse the user interface) in a different language.

Re:Automated translation removes barriers

jozef on 2009-10-16T07:57:18

well the automated translations should be used with cauption. compare google translations and the human translation