So time passed since YAPC::EU::2009 This was my third YAPC visit and the first one where I had a talk. Was nice, was fun, were a lot of people. :) If anyone haven't been to any YAPC then, yes, it's worth it! It's kind of strange to find out that the CPAN authors are made of flash and bones and it's possible to see them, well and touch them, just not too much please! :D
So what was there to see? My first talk that I attender was about AI::CBR from Darko. His module can be used to add some more intelligence to for example search results. I like it as it was a really practical one. As this YAPC::EU topic was "Corporate Perl" there was a lot of talk about how is Perl used in corporates and what problems does the Perl developers face. From the new thinks, there were talks about MooseX:Declare (by pdcawley), KiokuDB (by nothingmuch), Regexp::Gramars (by Damian), Perl 5.10.1 (by rgs), ... What else did I learn? That it's possible to do speach recognition (by Thomas Netousek), how to write reusable code - 1st rule: don't write it but reuse (from domm), how to Test::Regexp (by Abigail), how to remotely control volunteers (by Karen) and that it's not so bad to give a talk at YAPC...
Regarding my talk I was afraid of three things - the camera, Damian and the audience. The cameras were missing, Damian didn't show up, not too many people show up and well the audience was great!
As I said, I was a worried about the recording of my talk, that if the talk will be not good it will be there on the net for ever. Well and internet never forgets... On the other hand, after I found out there there were no recordings, I was sad that I will be not able to watch my talk later on to compare and see how it was.
Damian is not biting ..., but it was a surprise to see that he marked my talk in his personal schedule.
There were ~20 people that attended my talk. At the same time there was a talk from Paul Fenwick professional trainer and speaker with ~120 attendees... Thanks to "mime" audience, I've enjoyed my talk. I got some interesting questions and direct feedback after the talk. Special thanks to for his dependencies question and suggestion to generate Makefile. I'm keeping this in the back of my mind and I think I'll really use this idea.
What was the talk about? It was about how to do static generated content and what can be done with it. Once I have read the Samba documentation for developers and there was written about code generation, that major part of the C code is generated. There was written, that once they started to do code generation they just could not stop. I have felt to the same trap with web content generation. I've tried it and I can not stop until I find out where are the limits. :) The idea is not new, it's here since beginning of the web. MT does it, WebGUI does it, my friend Emmanuel does it :) but still I think it's interesting to speak about it.
During my 40minutes talk I kind of run out of time. I've tried to show too many thinks in too much details. My 40 YAPC::EU minutes are gone, but there is enough time and place on this blog. So I've decided to create a blog series and here are the future titles:
1. make mehappy # make for fun and profit
2. a hook for you
3. scraping my self
4. less can be more
5. dôveruj ale preveruj
6. feed us back
7. XSLT hammer
8. one Apache child must be enough for everyone
9. 12MB XML -> 2x5k HTML pages # the way of elephant
I am looking forward to read your posts, expecially "5. dôveruj ale preveruj". Automation often tends to break the entire site one day