Moose DocBook

jozef on 2009-05-02T20:17:20

Dave Rolsky announced that the Moose docs grant is finished. Right away I got a temptation to try to throw Pod::2::DocBook on it. Of course it failed, but finally it was not too much work to fix things and the result is here to see:

moose-docbook-0.77.pdf moose-docbook-0.77.html

135 pages. To compile them I've create a docbook/ folder with a Makefile and friends and did some minor changes to Moose source. You can find all of those togeter with Moose here. If you want to make a fresh version, clone moose-docbook and then pull the changes from Moose by `git pull git:// master`, chdir to docbook/ and run `make`. Note that you'll have to have Pod::2::DocBook 0.03, xsltproc, xmllint, docbook-xsl and fop.

PS anyone heard of oose module? :-)

perigrin on 2009-05-04T15:07:06

Heard of it? I wrote it!

The people in the #moose channel were (before the days of Devel::REPL and still some today) writing lots of one-liners to test assumptions in Moose. perl -e'package Class; use Moose; [assumption test here]' became annoying so I spent an hour one afternoon whipping up which will automatically stick the package Class; use Moose; at the top of your file using a source filter (one of the few non-evil ways to use a source filter).

This little source filter dropped the boilerplate down to perl -Moose -E'[assumption test here]', and with a little shell aliasing that Shawn Moore pointed out alias moose='perl -Moose -E'; moose '[assumptions test here]'

jozef on 2009-05-04T15:19:38

well I did know it exists few days ago... when I first saw it in Moose dist the WTF came to my mind first. but when i saw the usage I found it really nice. nice enought to blog about it ;-)