
jozef on 2008-06-06T15:42:42

As I was not able to reach author of Pod::DocBook v1.2 (UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE) Nandu Shah, I ressurected it from CPAN and created Pod::2::DocBook. This version futures many handy options that can be used to produce parts of docbook document, like sections, articles etc.

I use it my MakeFile this way:

pod/example.xml: $(PODROOT)/Path/To/Module.pm pod2docbook --title='example module POD' --no-header --doctype=section $< $@

and then I xinclude it to the docbook document.

Hopefully others will also take advantage of this module.

Another item off my TODO list.

pjf on 2008-06-07T11:59:16

We've been using a modified version of Nandu's Pod::DocBook to build Perl Training Australia's course manuals for years now. I've been meaning to get it up on CPAN for about the same length of time, but never quite got around to it. I'm glad that you have.

I've got a bunch of patches for various bugs and feature-fixes for you. Some come with quite decent tests, some... less so. A few will probably need to be changed for public consumption, as there were a few times when kludges were applied for some urgent build here or there. To be honest it's been a while since I've looked at it.

I can try generating a bunch of patches based upon your recent release to CPAN, or if you have a repository I can easily access (github/google code/sourceforge/etc) then I can go about adding them on an appropriate branch.

Thanks again for dusting off the module; I'd almost forgotten about it.

Re:Another item off my TODO list.

jozef on 2008-06-07T18:11:32

Nice! You can find the subversion repository at http://svn.cle.sk/repos/pub/cpan/Pod-2-DocBook/, I have no problem with a commit bit (just need a htpasswd hash line), any patches are welcome.

So you can either commit, send the patches to me or put them to the http://rt.cpan.org./

I was already thinking how to replace the random element id-s so that I can reference them from DocBook. May be you already solved that one.

Re:Another item off my TODO list.

pjf on 2008-06-10T05:13:08

Ever since discovering ohloh I've become more eager to make commits directly (or via author-preserving systems like git) in order to increase my kudos score. ;)

Looking through my list of changes I think I made changes to the element ids, although that may have purely been to avoid a bug where they could end up being non-unique.

As for a htpasswd hash line, I'll post one through to you via e-mail. It may take me a few days to start commiting; I've set myself some deadlines with regards to improving autodie/Fatal, and I'm desperate to get a beta out soon.

Re:Another item off my TODO list.

jozef on 2008-06-10T07:29:43

Good to know. So the project link is http://www.ohloh.net/projects/pod-2-docbook