Maybe "War is over" is a bit over-exaggerated, but at least the Yet Another Perl Conference Europe 2.0.01 is over. We've had three very exhausting, fun, interesting and stressful days, with many enthousiastic attendees and speakers very much worth listening to.
I had my own presentation yesterday about pVoice. Although there were not too much people in the audience (I learned later that the pubcrawl the night before had something to do with that ;-) ), everyone was obviously very interested in the subject, because they all stayed and asked questions even when my time was up and the break had already started. Heck, they all left when the break was over and the next talk was about to start!
Saturday ended with a big thank you to all people who had done so much, especially Ann Barcomb who kept everything together and nagged and pestered everyone to do the things they should do.
After that Greg "Should I start singing again" McCarroll auctioned everything that we got from our sponsors for the auction and more (like signed Buffy pictures, the right to decide the meetingdates and more). The total amount of money from the auction was no less than Fl 9033,=!!! Thank you everyone! The money will be spent partly on a Perl advocacy project in the Netherlands and partly on startup costs for the next YAPC::Europe.
After everything was cleaned up, most of the crew core along with one attendee (Andreas) and one wireless networking guy from the HAL organization (Sebastian) went to a restaurant for a final dinner. Again I got home late (0:00).
Today was nothing more than sleeping and recovering ;-)