I want to become a writer. So I'd better start somewhere. This looks like a good time and place to start! use Perl; is providing this Journal, so I'm going to try to keep people up to date on a regular basis.
Today I sent an email to Manning asking them if they are interested in publishing the book I want to write. I guess everyone would like to have some way to be immortal. My idea of immortality is to write a book. To let other people know what I know. It's a dream and I think I can let it become a reality. It's however of crucial importance that some publisher gets convinced that I'm up to it...
Later in this Journal I will explain about the book I'm writing. Not now (hey, I need some way to let you come back later!).
Tomorrow I'm off to Amsterdam. From 2-4 August we'll have YAPC::Europe there. I'm on the organizing committee, responsible for Sponsoring and Accomodation and tomorrow we're going to stuff the bags with whatever the sponsors gave us. There are going to be some very nice items in the bags, like 3 CD's: ActiveState's ActiveCD, a recent CPAN mirror, and a CD with the proceedings of the talks.
I wonder when I find the time again to write another Journal...