Being a contractor is fun and all that. Seeing many different companies, doing lots of interesting jobs. But the financial part can be a pain....I re-discovered that...
The last company I worked for, Web-ICT argues that my hour-declarations don't match the invoice I sent them. So I asked them to give me a report on what they think I reported to them. That's just plain manipulated. They say I've only worked 57 hours in December, while I did 96. I resent them the mails where I say how much I worked on which project, but still they refuse to accept. They've paid me 28 hours already in January, and paid for the remaining 29 they said I worked, but for their convenience they didn't pay the VAT on that, and now even say that that is not true.
They obviously haven't learned any reading and maths in school.
I sent them a last email saying that if I don't have the full amount of December on my bank account by Thursday I'm going to court. And I will!
at least they managed to completely spoil my day yesterday