After successfully reinstalling the iBook yesterday, I took the plunge and checked my pVoice sourcecode out on OS X.
It took some twiddling and tweaking in the AAC::Pvoice moduels that simply depend on Win32 platforms too much at the moment, and way more tweaking in the pVoice sources itself, but I got far enough to at least let pVoice start and perform the most basic tasks (except the Text To Speech part, but that'll come later of course...I know how that should be done).
To prove it, here's a screenshot of pVoice on OS X in Editmode.
Re:Quick progress
sheriff_p on 2005-07-18T16:06:40
I'd have thought the speech parts would be the easiest, being the degree to which it's built into Cocoa... Re:Quick progress
jouke on 2005-07-18T18:18:19 I said in the original post "...I know how that should be done"