How do you compare your own product with the competition? Yesterday I started making a list of features of all pVoice competitors. I never did that before, because I thought pVoice wasn't ready by far to be compared with the commercial AAC applications.
Of course, pVoice is still behind, but slowly but surely pVoice is catching up with the competition. I made a comparison between the current (2.1) version of pVoice, the next (3.0) version which I expect to be ready by the end of this summer, Speaking Dynamically Pro, The Grid, Gus! Multimedia Speech System and Clicker. Of course it's not really fair to include vapourware (pVoice 3.0) in this comparison, but I thought it would be nice to see where I'm going with the application and see how it will be doing when the new version is done.
You can find the results here.