I recently received a grant from the Stichting Perl Promotie Nederland (Dutch Perl Promotion Foundation) for writing a pVoice-like application that will allow the user to control appliances in and around the house. Since most 'p' applications I wrote so far have 5 letters, I decided to call it pHouse. It will borrow some stuff from the incredible MisterHouse project. For now I'm concentrating on controlling X10 enabled devices and the UIRT A device, that allows sending IR signals to the TV/DVD/VCR/Stereo.
If that were my only project, it would be done next week. (Un)fortunately I have several projects (besides my daytime job): pVoice 2.1 is still not finished (although I finally fixed the bug that I've been struggling with for 6 months), pStory needs a complete rewrite (that is still written in Tk and very user-unfriendly), pMusic is a quick hack and should be polished before I put it on the website for download, and oh, yeah, then the website itself...that hasn't been updated since August...
And before I forget: I need to write my stuff for GPW and OSCON...and I still have an unfinished article I need to send to Simon Cozens...oh dear...
And last (but certainly not the least) there is $girlfriend who might forget I live under the same roof as she does. I need to prioritize (sp?)...