What's going on here?

jouke on 2001-11-14T08:36:51

I said to my wife I think I'm being punished or something. She immediately smacked me (I deserved it I guess ;-) ). I was not being really serious because I don't really believe in immediate punishments by Higher Powers, but the past week I've been sick as hell, crawling over the ground with pain in my stomach, and yesterday I learned (by email of all means) that my boss gave me the sack.

I know I've not been productive. Not at all. But I told my boss I wouldn't be, and he said it'd be OK because he understood about my personal situation. Guess he didn't really understand it, because I was fired because I was not being productive enough.

So as of today I am among the large amount of unemployed Perl people.

My body is slowly recovering.

Will work anywhere for just about anything