YAPC::Europe Day 2

jonasbn on 2002-09-19T16:14:04

Taking a break from all the presentations I am slowly starting on my journal entry for today.

Expecting I was about to that a journal entry full of technical material on all the new projects I have ideas for, based on the many presentation I have heard today and which I listed in my journal entry yesterday.

Well all these presentations where fine and technically inspiring, but I heard a presentation this late afternoon entitled 'Can a Company Use Perl to Develop - and Sell - Commercial Tools?', which for some reason really gave me food for thought.

The presentator (Fabrizio Sanface) asked 'Why it was so difficult for Perl based shops to get their products made visible in the Perl community?" - well I guess the answer is quite simple, Perl evolves around a community of developers, people whom are used to doing much themselves and who likes to poke around under the hood.

And since Fabrizio represented a company who sell their product under a shareware license the problem might be that the community is not used to components they cannot turn upside down if they like.

So where the community is used to being the carrier for all this stuff it can also work as roadblock for Perl based software not necessarily being distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

(Ref: http://www.perl.com/language/misc/Artistic.html).

The presentor of ExtUtils::ModuleMaker (R. Geoffrey Avery) has a nice feature in his software: 'pick what license should accompany your module', which probably mean that you could problably distribute your code through out the Perl community, perhaps even via CPAN or at least comp.lang.perl.announce even with a license being non-opensource and non-artistic.

I think for some reason the community works as a barrier for these things to happen, even though the community have all the best of intentions, it has no history of embracing commercial aspects, as for example the Linux community (the example given by Fabrizio Sanface).

So what is the solution?

Well that commercially founded software has to be accepted by the Perl community, it could make way for many 'new' modules which currently is located on company CVS servers etc. all over the world, and Perl and its community will benefit from alot of programming hours and domain knowledge.

Software can and should be able to be distributed via CPAN etc. under other licenses (and I even think it is)?

So is this possible at all?

Well I think the Perl community can handle it - it will take some time, but they will eventually, but can the software vendors?

They should remember a few things (no I am not going to go all the way in the discussion on Open Source and Freeware etc.) well they should consider whether they want to distribute their code via a community which will copy, improve and outperform whatever they come up with, because molding something existing is much easier than building it from scratch and simply because there is more than one way to do it.

So letting commercially developed modules and code (products), be able to be distributed via the Perl community under the proper licenses should not be a problem, the problem or challenge so to speak will be to convince more companies to distribute?