I have been writing a service for a client to put information onto an PDF template, PDF::API2, proved to be the tool I need for this.
In addition I use File::Temp and File::Slurp, to good CPAN modules. So after a certain amount of attempts I was able to stick a PDF file through the web framework we are utilizing using MIME::Base64. The attempts had various degrees of success my favorite mistake was when I received a plaintext file, which contained something, which looked like it was Base64 encoded. That was actually the first success, but the mistake was Base64 encoding it twice, to both the parcel and the contents where encoded, heh.
I got it worked out and started downloading PDFs. I had prototyped the PDF rendering step and if no input was inserted I would only receive the template - and I did, but the file names looked all weird. They had done so all the time, but this had not really taken my focus away from getting the right data through. So with names ranging from 3o3DveJS.pdf.part to JxSXbq_e.pdf.part and aIt2gdng.pdf.part, I received a file, which caught my eye: J0nasvN9.pdf.part
I still need to find out why the files are post-fixed with .part and the names are all weird and perhaps, this investigation will shed some light on the similarity between the filename and my preferred unix username and nick.
Hints are welcome,
The rest of the name looks like what File::Temp will have generated. And I think it's just coincidence with your username matching that one case!