I wrote my journal entry on the QA Hackathon Sunday before leaving for Copenhagen, so I did not really get to describe my traveling home.
I went from Linpro taking the subway to the central station. On the central station I went directly to the platform and the train arrived after two minutes.
When I got to the airport I gathered it would be the best idea if I could just get through security and then I could eat/drink/hack etc. So I appended my self to the line leading to the check-in counter.
When I got to the counter I just gave the lady there my ticket and my danish health insurance card. I had my passport in hand, expecting that I would need both (as in Copenhagen airport).
She just looked at the health insurance card and commented something like (translated from Norwegian).
Funny you can use in Denmark considering they do not hold a picture
I responded (translated from Danish)
Yes, it is
She concluded our business with the following remark (translated from Norwegian)
Have a pleasant flight
After this I went to the security check line, where I had to take out my laptop, take of my belt, shoes and jacket.
I should not present anything, I expected the hardest thing was over and I went to the flight information board. My flight was listed as boarding..., so I immediately headed towards the gate, so no eat/drink/hack for me.
I came to the gate presented my boarding pass and expired passport and I was let on board.
After an hours flight in a much more comfortable seat than the last time, where I was able to eat/drink/hack. I landed in Copenhagen airport, picked up some LEGOs for my sons and went through customs with nothing to declare, went on the subway and got home.
I only regret the loosing of a bootle of iKlean, which was confiscated in Copenhagen airport security check, since I had put in the wrong back.
I could have offered laptop cleaning at the QA hackathon in Oslo, well I must do that the next time.
So now I just need to renew my passport and get a new bottle of iKlean.