I slept like a baby last night - it is nice and quiet living at a hotel, however I can slowly feel the urge to go home. I am missing my boys. I talked on the phone with Villads (3 years) and he explained too me that he had gotten new LEGOs talking to Sylvester (1 year) was not as successful he just fooled around with phone and started to cry when me wife took it away from him.
So today I am getting into 'getting back to work' mode, I have some stuff I need to finish before Monday, since my Friday was totally crazy I did not have time and as explained earlier working on the plane here was not a success, so I have the following TODO before Monday morning:
- Update specification on application A for client A
- Write specification and estimate on application B for client A
- Fix bugs in client catalyst application C for client B
- Finalize import utility for application C for client B
- Test and validate module A for application C for client B
I can see know that I am not able to complete all of this, but with a proper prioritization I can at least get most of the stuff out of the way before tomorrow morning.
So today I have been mostly lurking at the hackathon, I discussed a CPAN meta data model with RJBS, reported PAUSE problems after having uploaded Workflow-0.32_1.tar.gz, it seems DAGOLDEN and DOMM experienced the same problems.
It really bothers me, but I always seem to have a truckload of work with me, no matter where I go - conferences, holidays or weekends, I would love for this to improve so I could spend more time participating in open source activities.
But for now, mentally I am on my home, traveling in the middle of the day, sort of ruin the whole day.
The hackathon has from my standpoint been a very good experience you can do hacking while not feeling bad over missing talks like when you are attending YAPCs or workshops.
It will be interesting to see if anybody dare organize something like this in our part of the world - I for one hope so.