The other night I was starting to fill in information in our organizers Wiki somewhat late in the evening, I jumped directly to bed and experienced my first YAPC::Europe 2008 nightmare.
It was horrible...
The venue was too big so we had to walk and walk and walk to locate something (pretty basic nightmare pattern) - things where all chaotic, but running along. I guess that part was not a nightmare, just social realism sneaking in.
brian d foy did not attend and I could not get anybody to tell me why, the dream ended before involving any travel to Iceland and any volcanoes or marathons.
I guess this will not the last nightmare I will experience on this topic, but I will attempt to avoid doing Wiki stuff just prior to going to bed.
We (former YAPC orgas) usually don't talk about this in public (especially during call for proposals for next years YAPC), but having nightmares is just on part of the job description. I sure had some, but the "best" YAPC nightmare probably was experienced by Jose, who even shared it with the audience in the opening talk of YAPC::Europe 2005 in Braga.
Re:welcome in the club...
jonasbn on 2007-12-16T20:25:59
I remember Jose's presentation in Braga. I even experienced nightmares for the first few Nordic Perl Workshops, but I thinking that my nightmares this time are not about organizing the event, but something completely different, I am however still interpreting. The theory is however work and Christmas stress related, so there is nothing to worry about since it is like this every year at this time.