I have just accepted what will be the final form of the contract, with which I have had some much trouble and such a long wait (more than a month a half).
We agreed on a price and working hours. I am leaving for holiday in a week, so now I just have to deliver what I have promised. I have frozen my documentation work, awaiting the contract, so now I can resume this work and hopefully (with some extra effort) finish this before the end of next week.
Apart from this I attempt to clear out my TODO list as much as possible so if/when I sit down with the computer during the holiday it will be for fun and to do non-work related activities.
Perhaps some work on CPAN modules and other things. This is sort of a contract I have with my wife and I am looking very much forward to; sleeping, eating, swimming, running, napping and playing with the boys and perhaps reading a book.
Summer holiday is going to be so nice.