Day 2 was a good day, many, many, many interesting talks. Not that day 1 did not have interesting talks, but day 2 was more down my alley.
I talked to Norbert in the hallway for quite some time, I think these TPF and YAPC::Europe foundation people do a terrific job even though is sometimes seems very unrewarding and a lot of people seem to have an opinion on what they do and how they do it and they often raise it.
It concerns me that the YAPC::Europe foundation can be influenced so much by politics, it almost resembles the EU.
I know both Book and Domm where quite professionel, informing me, that they where both sending a bid for YAPC::Europe 2007, I was confident that the best bid would win. So I offered a few words of comfort to Norbert.
I do not know alot about the inner workings of the foundations, but I hope people involved in decision making and the democracy of a foundation take their work seriously, in my opinion these foundations primarily do good, but sometimes they have to make hard decisions and in my opinion they do a good job.
So raising problems about people inhability is a waste of everybody's time, since doing a votes for the next YAPC::Europe venue is important and has to be concluded and all participants have a subjective opinion, since you review the bid and make up your mind, so if you as a member have national interests or commercial interests and do lobbying, you do not belong in the foundation, since we do not need that, we just need the foundation to work with it's limited resources and the best bids for YAPC's to win.
Finally I gave my talk as one of the last speakers of the day, I know my choices of topic is somewhat special, so I did not expect a lot of audience, but 10 people attended and I got some good questions, I was hoping to track down some of the people I recognized in the audience, people whom I recognize from either Braga and/or Belfast, but I did not succeed and the dinner I ended up at the international table, this was a lot of fun, 10 nationalities gathered around a table talking about everything - I do not remember exactly what since we kept buying beers, but I do remember laughing a lot.
Walked back to the hotel with some of the other attendants, we had some more beer before crashing, I must admit I was a bit worried whether I would have a hangover, but this morning I felt quite good, a but tired but good.