Cool Apple Tech vs. Bad Apple Tech

jonasbn on 2006-05-12T19:33:36

I exchanged my old UFO Apple access point with the smaller Airport access point with airtunes - I have just hooked the AP with my stereo and it just works - this product is really cool and I can see that my sketches of a somewhat similar setup is not nearly as elegant, so Apple you get this one - it is a cool product, good tech.

I also received some 1 GB RAM ordered from the Apple shop, I wanted to attempt to exchange the brick in my PowerBook, which I suspect for being the cause for my PowerBook not being able to sleep (please see earlier journall entries and especially the comment from Ovid) - so I exchanged the RAM and attempted to put the machine to sleep, but no luck - I put the old block back in so now I have a PowerBook with 2 GBs of memory, but I cannot put it too sleep - and conference time is coming up - this is not optimal. Apple this is simply not good enough, this is annoying and these things should just work, bad tech Apple, bad tech.