I ordered my new PowerBook today - I was tapping away on my TiBook when the carriage return key fell off. It has been loose for some time, but today it gave up.
Read this comment for a view into the parameters surrounding the delivery aspect here just before christmas.
I have made a temporary fix.
I am very much looking forward to getting a new PowerBook, but I am not sure whether I should run Tiger og Panther, I need to get a home build Perl running before venturing deeper into Tigerland.
pjm on 2005-12-22T01:24:12
Tiger, all the way. 10.4.3 has introduced the same sort of feeling that the late 10.3.x releasese had. The perl problems you were seeing sound related to the absence of either the developer tools (now "Xcode") or the BSD package (which would mean that you'd deliberately deselected it; hard to believe, so my money's on Xcode). Install the dev tools and everything's fine.
Mail's rock solid here (and surprisingly functional, even after migrating from a highly customised mutt setup). Maybe the 10.0 ===> 10.3 series of upgrades has left a few barnacles around the place. In any case, a new 10.4.3 installation should be pretty much trouble free in my experience (and I'm the whine-to guy for about 30 such beasts).
jonasbn on 2005-12-22T09:30:47
Thanks for the tip, I thought it updated Xcode (and family) automatically, but apparently this is not the case.
After installation CPAN works as it should :)
Merry christmas,
I wonder...
sigzero on 2005-12-23T00:40:01
DHL lost (stole) my iBook and Apple is going to replace it. I wonder if I could pony up more money for an upgrade to a powerbook?